Wednesday, September 23, 2009


Helloooo all. We have spent the last several weeks watching it rain....looks like it is over. Lucky for us here there was no flooding, unlike several counties in Georgia. The kids always make the best of things; making airplanes and boats out of boxes, playing trains and garage art projects. I particularly liked Jack's rainy day soup ( a collaboration of flowers, herbs, acorns, persimmons, and peppers mixed well with rainwater and then baked in the "oven"). MMM it was delicious..
John and Jack went fishing down the hill yesterday. Nesta and I went wandering thru the forest, always looking down at what we might find. With all the good rain, some beautiful forest friends have POPPED UP. Some look like underwater coral creatures! (anybody know what that is? it looks between coral and morrel mushroom, is it edible??)
John is recuperating well after a dramatic tooth extraction. Jack was concerned and helped settle the nerves by questions: " How do they cut it out ? I bet that's gonna hurt" and " Will they put it back in somewhere else or just keep it there in their office?"
Yesterday and today finishing up a sewing project for a birthday girl!!
Off this weekend to see a long missed bunch of friends in ATHENS , can't wait!

Monday, September 14, 2009

These are so much fun and knit up beautifully. I started yesterday and as i add on the squares i am thinking it would be a great bath mat, or cuddly blanket. I am using SPLENDID Italian cotton by Mondial. You can see this pattern in the book MASON DIXON KNITTING by Kay Gardiner & Ann Shayne, also for free.

I love it when these beautiful flowers 'pop' up.
Spider flowers against the pumphouse. Fall is finally here.


A cashmere/merino blend sweater in progress for Nesta.

Remember PROJECT RELOCATION OAK TREES from back in the summer? Out of all the 20 something little oaks we replanted, only two have survived. Its hard work growing trees. I hope these two make it, will put in the ground soon.